20 x 23 cm
Edition: 50
This is the Chiswick flyover and was part of my route to work for 13 years. There was always graffiti on the columns; mostly about football, some of it obscene but this was the one that was quickly cleaned up by the council and rapidly replaced. As one drove around the bend approaching the roundabout, the first word “GOOD” followed by “MORNING” seemed a friendly greeting. Then, came the next word came into view: “LEMMINGS”.
I was going to define all the different vehicles but was suddenly short of time which was a blessing because the humped- back shapes were much more effective to represent the “lemmings” hurtling to their doom.
20 x 23 cm
Edition: 50
This is the Chiswick flyover and was part of my route to work for 13 years. There was always graffiti on the columns; mostly about football, some of it obscene but this was the one that was quickly cleaned up by the council and rapidly replaced. As one drove around the bend approaching the roundabout, the first word “GOOD” followed by “MORNING” seemed a friendly greeting. Then, came the next word came into view: “LEMMINGS”.
I was going to define all the different vehicles but was suddenly short of time which was a blessing because the humped- back shapes were much more effective to represent the “lemmings” hurtling to their doom.